A vertical 4-panel comic of Popuko and Pipimi (Pop Team Epic) sharing a new skill.
[Image Description: A vertical 4-panel comic of Popuko and Pipimi (Pop Team Epic) sharing a new skill. First panel: Popuko (left), eyes closed, smiles at Pipimi (right). "Check out what I learned today," Popuko says. Second panel: A closeup of Popuko, eyes open, they're blob-shaped like Among Us characters. Another Among Us character is drawn on the right. Third panel: A closeup of Pipimi, who also has Among Us eyes. Another Among Us character is drawn on the left. Fourth panel: Popuko and Pipimi looking at each other with their Among Us eyes. An Among Us character stands in between them.]

16 minute comic

day 16 of working on my gentle comics habit! i'm back! (for now haha) i'm trying to organize stuff before i get back into regularly posting, i had too much stuff going on at once (and more to come) so i'm trying to keep from drowning in everything. today's comic is from a page in one of my sketchbooks (october 10th, 2022) based on the Among Us eyes trend around that time, i still think it's so funny, so here it is finally drawn out. it's not perfect, i wanted the characters to look better, but then i remembered i have a time limit for a reason, so i tried to focus less on the art being good and just make a comic. now it exists.

site stuff

added one button to the home page, that's it. right now i'm focused on making sure all my files are backed up, then i'm gonna restructure some of the folders so everything's neater. so i probably won't have any visual changes to the site any time soon.

life stuff

finished a book, started another, watched a few movies, started knitting a top instead of a new tapestry, been VERY into blender, today (hopefully) i'll start working on rigging, i feel like once i learn this then i'll be able to do anything!!! nothing else to really share, watched this today, i think you should too: Pretty Pretty Please I Don't Want to be a Magical Girl (PILOT ANIMATIC)

still don't have a good time for updating, good afternoon and, as always,

thanks for looking 💫