First page of a poem filled with doodles. Second
[Image Description: A two-page poem, each page contains doodles to highlight the words. A bunny's face, a pair of hands holding a heart with wings, then a bunny face again, this time its features obscured, a question mark where it's face should be. On the second page, a pair of hands tear up the heart, but then it's taped together, the bunny has a new face.]

to be loved is to be changed

to be loved is to be changed.
i give you my heart, hands shaking.
not in fear of what you'll do with it,
but who i'll be when you're done.
i watch in horror
as you tear it to shreds.
starting anew
you begin to piece it back
together again.

14 minute comic

day 14 of working on my gentle comics habit! today's poem brought to you by memes (would you call them memes? posts? idk) of the same name, to be loved is to be changed. finished this yesterday but didn't post until today because i've been pushing it with how late i've been staying up recently;; i was supposed to start on the next bit of comet's trail, but suddenly i just felt like poems. i'm trying to feel better about the fact that making bad art includes making bad writing. i don't like this poem very much, how short it is, how incomplete it feels, but if i take a look at my sketchbooks i have a bunch of drawings that are just heads with no bodies, doodles with no purpose, why can't my writing be the same? so here's a bit of that. and tomorrow, another poem. AND THEN! i will hopefully have the next bit of comet's trail ready ~

site stuff

been working on my about pages and after all that time spent...i kinda hate them lol. they're not done yet but idk the direction i'm going in just feels bad. the about for this site is way too long and the current userbox layout for my personal about is ugly. i know some styling could fix a lot of my problems but i'm just not feeling very,,,inspired. idk how to make everything come together rn. just want everything to be more cohesive and organized ugh. i might have to take a break to sketch things out and then come back to it. orrrrr i might start working on the main site. i'll think about it some more tomorrow.

life stuff

watched a couple movies today, rare for me to watch multiple movies in a day, rare for me to watch a single movie in a day tbh. got a lot of knitting done, my current tapestries are pretty much finished, which means it's time to start on a new design. idk what's next, might have to take a vote somewhere haha

posting this earlier than most days but still good night and, as always,

thanks for looking 💫