Comet talking to Swamp Frog, but things take a (literal) dark turn.
[Image Description: A grayscale comic with two panels up top and a third panel that makes up the rest of the page. In the first panel, Comet looks confused, they begin to question the frog, "Did you say s-." Comet's words are interrupted by the second panel, a closeup of the frog saying, "swamp," once again. The rest of the page focuses on the frog, who has grown in size, showing off its belly where a growing darkness seems to reside. The scene grows darker and the frog continues to croak, "swamp," repeatedly.]



11 minute comic

day 11 of working on my gentle comics habit!i almost didn't upload this one today, but it's here, thumbs up emoji. might take a break from comet's trail tomorrow and upload a different short comic, might not make a comic at all tomorrow, depends on how i feel. it's a little sad to feel like i need another break so soon, but if that's what i need then that's what i need. i could start breaking up my comics over 2 days now, i was trying to wait until day 14 (7 minutes to brainstorm one day, 7 minutes to draw the next), but day 12 wouldn't be so bad either. i'll sleep on it. EDIT: just realized i made this page the wrong size teehee haha, i'll have to remember the right page size tomorrow.

site stuff

i spent way too long going back and forth on colors today just to basically decide upon nothing;;;;; i realized my pink container with white header links wasn't accessible, so i tried a bunch of different color combos and ultimately had to give up on the pink, but this blue container isn't so bad. just wish it hadn't taken all day to decide on something so simple. and there's still the issue of what the secret button colors should be and what they should link to. but i've spent enough time fussing over trivial things today.

life stuff

finished updating my february calendars and now i also have my layouts planned for the rest of year, everyone clap.

thank you, good night, and as always,

thanks for looking 💫