Comet getting a sense of his surroundings; he sees a frog.
[Image Description: A grayscale comic with two panels up top and a third panel that makes up the rest of the page. In the first panel, Comet quickly sits up, the ground around him damp. He looks at his hands and says, "ewww..." Second panel, a closeup of one of Comet's hands, it's damp. "Why is the ground wet?" Comet asks. The last panel shows the back of Comet's head, he's looking at a frog sitting on a lily pad in the middle of a swamp. Above the frog, in a black text bubble with white letters, is the word, "swamp."]



10 minute comic

day 10 of working on my gentle comics habit! took a short break yesterday, now i'm back and comet's made a friend? a foe? an acquaintance at the very least. been dragging my feet a little on these comics now, not as easy to say it's only 10 minutes as it was to say it's only 1 minute...yet i continue...the time flew by anyways. thinking i'll keep my comics vertical from this point on and roughly about this size, not the best choice (in terms of size i mean, note to self: vertical comics layout good), but i'm not really planning to do anything else with these comics once i finish this storyline. as far as comet's trail goes that is and any other random comics, when i start on another story i'll put in a bit more thought when it comes to dimensions and whatnot.

site stuff

i added some buttons to the header, they're meant to be like minimize/maximize/close buttons. i've seen a lot of desktop-like themes for people's sites, but whenever i click on those buttons on their sites nothing happens. i don't expect things to actually close or minimize but i feel like it's a good place to hide a secret page or something else fun. i haven't thought of anything good to link to just yet but you do get some alerts when you click on the buttons. i'm planning on changing the colors later so they just look like subtle decoration, but for those who really explore pages (or maybe just happen to read this) you'll find...something...whenever i decide what the something is. also the buttons aren't great on mobile, once again best viewing is on desktop (i should actually check how it looks on other desktops...), i need to add that to the home page at some point.

life stuff

i started another kdrama today, chicago typewriter, the first episode had me pretty hooked, i'm excited to keep watching, it's so engaging i had to put my knitting down haha. it's not often that i just sit and watch a show and not do anything else at the same time, i usually have a project in hand, but this show just has my complete attention, hope it stays that way. aside from that, feeling pretty low energy this week, i have a lot of stuff i want to make some progress on...but i also want to curl up under my blankets and keep watching my show haha.

anyways, good night and, as always,

thanks for looking 💫