Comet walking through a forest; he gives up and lays on the forest floor.
[Image Description: A grayscale, three panel comic; the panels are placed vertically. In the first panel, Comet is pushing himself off the ground and onto his feet. "I'm adventuring," he says. "I'm journeying," he continues as he walks through the forest in the second panel. In the final panel, Comet is laying on the forest floor, not realizing how close he is to a swamp. The grass around him is damp. "I'm...still lost."]

9 minute comic

day 9 of working on my gentle comics habit! if a comet falls in a forest but no one is around to hear does he still make a sound?

site stuff

i didn't realize my images were overflowing, so i fixed that, i think? i hope. but the images look a bit small on mobile, but i think that's how they're just gonna have to look;; best way to read my comics is on desktop 👍 didn't update anything else today, honestly wasn't feeling up to working on much today, i almost skipped today's comic, but here it is. tomorrow, who knows?

life stuff

[muffled screaming]

good night and, as always,

thanks for looking 💫