Comic of Comet drawing.
[Image Description: A two-panel comic in black and white. In the first panel, Comet is drawing on their tablet. Text says, "I want to make two panels today." In the second panel, Comet lays their head down on their tablet. "I don't know what to draw," they say.]

5 minute comic

day 5 of working on my gentle comics habit! i made one small adjustment to the site today, progress! finally feel pretty happy about the background image, next i'll start messing around with how the container looks, not sure if i'll get to it tonight or if that's more of a tomorrow thing...we'll see

today's comic is very straightforward, i wanted to feel like i was making some sort of ~progress~ so i wanted to have another panel, but i didn't know what to draw today, the ideas weren't really coming. i'm thinking about drawing some of my OCs soon, super short comics of their in-universe lives, but i'm not sure who has a simple enough design that i could draw them for a 6 minute comic, or under 10 minutes in general. most of them don't even have solid designs. i'll sleep on it and then we'll see what tomorrow's comic ends up being~

still haven't gone over my calendars, actually let me get up right now and work on the simplest one. please imagine i've gotten up, walked away, and that a reasonable amount of time to do my task has passed before reading on. 1 calendar marked, 2 more to go. idk where the time went today, i imagine tomorrow will feel the same.

got my next couple books, we have always lived in the castle and dracula (daily version), i was somewhere in the middle of both of these (i was juggling too many books at once for a while;;), so i should be able to finish them relatively quickly. not much else in media news, don't think i have much else to share today.

so, as always,

thanks for looking 💫