Comet (sona) Sonic-posing in space.
[Image Description: A black and white drawing of one of my sonas, Comet, floating in space in the Sonic Adventure pose; they have one hand pointing out from between their legs, with the other arm off to the side, their body is turned to the left.]

2 minute comic

day 2 of working on my gentle comics habit! i'm working on my site a little bit out of order, i want to make sure i'm still making comics each day, so this site is going to look a bit messy for a while

if you're reading this before everything's appropriately setup (very likely) then i probably haven't explained what i'm doing yet, though the blog i linked to pretty thoroughly describes it. i want to work on a comic each day, where i only draw for 1 minute on day 1 and slowly add a minute to my time each day, so day 2...2 minutes for my comic.

pretty simple so far, i'm not very fast at drawing, especially digitally, so this first week will definitely be a lot of single panel nothingness yet somethingness. today i'm just playing in this space, tomorrow the same.

don't have much to say today, it's raining outside, i'm tired, i stayed up too late last night and now my head hurts, trying to edit this site doesn't help my headache, but i'll figure it all out eventually

thanks for looking 💫